20/20 Transformed Vision

Are you interested in finding quotes for daily motivation? Inspirational Bible verses? NIV translations?

A unique journal in cursive script was created during the 2020 pandemic. While reading  the New and Old Testaments, a twenty-first century scribe noted highlights from Biblical passages. Soon after the lockdown ended, her studies were concluded. Gloria gave copies of the booklet to neighbors and friends. Everyone who read it found within the simple text something inspirational and personally meaningful! As a result, a pdf file was created so that the journal could be widely shared.

Things can and will get better… through faith. In a world focused on negativity and dissension, there is an authentic message of the greater force of love and constructive answers that can and do flow from empathy and understanding. Adults and children will be encouraged by the studies, reminiscent of the guide books called “Daily Readings” from the not so distant past.

Every generation has had its challenges, troubles to endure, and ours is no different.

The generations before us faced difficulties and surmounted them, and people of faith secured the anchor of hope in something greater than themselves. Wasn’t it the determination to press forward through the wars and strife that catapulted mankind to our modern day? The result: We have the greatest technology, the best quality of life and the highest level of education of any prior generation.

Our generation can and will find the answers to the pandemic and social unrest. There are modern messages from our forefathers and the poetry of ancient scriptures.

Focus on what is set forth in 20/20 Transformed Vision… and… Believe!   


Erik Satie (1866 -1925) Bio and Chronology


Guardian Angels